Monday, January 2, 2012

How to Get Facebook Timeline

Grab Facebook Timeline For your Profile Now
Untitledfb2 Grab Facebook Timeline For your Profile Now
Facebook new and amazing development just to arrive and this amazing Profile layout change method is called “Timeline” This new feature displays a hierarchy of all your experiences  date-wise like post updates, comments, photo and video uploads.  Timeline is your collection of photos, posts and apps that tell your story. You can see what you did in last year or last month. All Facebook status updates that you made or the fun you had so far can be reviewed by rolling back to the old days using this brilliant new feature. At present this feature can be enabled only through the developers page and will be visible to only those people who have enabled Facebook developers App. However very soon Facebook will publically enable the Profile Timeline for all. So why wait when you can try it now! 

The new Facebook Timeline is the major change made by facbook, in facebook timeline your Facebook pages will be organized in a timeline format, which allows your friends, family members and stalkers to check out your history from birth to present day.  
  1. Visit this website:
  2. Click on Get Timeline
  3. Check Now and your new facebook timeline is active now.

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